Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Same Style, Different Brand

Isn’t it refreshing when we find another pair of jeans that fits just right? It might not be the same brand, or the same price range, but the fit is exactly what we were looking for.
Today I met with a like minded individual from TLNT.com (http://www.tlnt.com/ ).

Both isolated in South Florida, without many “industry” workers down here we decided to meet for coffee. It was a nice chance to work outside the realm of email, twitting and LinkedIn.
Our conversation centered around business and possibilities of working together to better the field of research and talent. How refreshing to meet with someone who has “the greater good” in mind, and not their own gain.

So how does this tie in with Blue Jean Leadership? It’s simple, knowing when you have found another leader, with the same style and fashion as you makes for great opportunities.
When leaders can begin to put their own desires aside and begin to look at the whole picture instead of just a single “pair of jeans” collaboration begins.

Deriving from the Latin word collaborare, the word is made up of com which means ‘with’ and ‘labore’ which means ‘to work’. And ‘to work with’ is, really, the brutally simple meaning of the word. It’s about laboring together.( http://bit.ly/fuHpU5)

By working together, collaborating, two leaders can begin to conquer those issues that do not fit in their organizations culture or business strategy.

Collaboration is easier than ever with today’s social media and technology. Vendors are now offering suites that allow employees to collaborate globally and frequently.

If we stop and think about true collaboration and the passions behind those of us who lead, it makes me wonder…

If we are looking for those like-minded individuals to share with in our innovation and thinking, what should our relationship with competitors look like?

Check me out :http://bluejeanleaders.com/2011/12/06/same-style-different-brand/